PRIVACY POLICY does collect users demographic data and personal data to provide visitors/shoppers a better internet experience.

All registered member/shopper personal details will remain private and confidential. Scuta Sdn Bhd will never sell, rent, barter or share user personal details in any way with any other company. All data collected is for Scuta Sdn Bhd internal use only.

Scuta Sdn Bhd hate spam as much as anyone do. So, Scuta Sdn Bhd will NEVER send any unsolicited e-mail. If you choose to subscribe to Scuta Sdn Bhd free occasional newsletter, you will receive your newsletter once every week. Clear unsubscribe details are always shown on the newsletter.

If user choose not to receive Scuta Sdn Bhd free weekly newsletter, we will only contact user to answer user queries and/or send his/her order confirmation. We will not contact user anytime else.

Scuta Sdn Bhd may from time to time, send user pertinent information on special offers, giveaways or special discounts. Should you choose to subscribe to it. In any case, you will receive no more than one (1) of such e-mail every week.

This site does use cookies. However, Scuta Sdn Bhd does not keep any of users personal details on cookies. Scuta Sdn Bhd simply store users Customer ID (just a number) in cookie format. This Customer ID does not correlate to any of users personal information.

Scuta Sdn Bhd may from time to time post up surveys to measure users response to certain new additions to this website. As a rule, users are never forced to fill in these surveys. Furthermore, should anyone choose to fill in the surveys, he/she can choose to remain anonymous.

Scuta Sdn Bhd will from time to time run offers/promotions on Any information entered through these offers/promotions also complies with this privacy policy. Scuta Sdn Bhd will never ever share users personal details with another company.

Should you have any enquiry about these Terms of Use, please don't hesitate to contact us